We believe preaching and teaching the Bible is of the utmost importance. Acts 2:42 says the early church was "devoted to the Apostles' teaching." We believe the church today must devote itself to hearing & responding to the brilliant shaft of light that is the Word of God. We believe in expository Biblical preaching but we also believe the presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit is essential for preaching to have impact. We pray each week for a "demonstration of the Holy Spirit and His power." (1 Cor. 2:1-5)

Corrie Ten Boom used to say, "Prayer must be the steering wheel of the church, not the spare tire." We believe talking to God and listening to Him is more important and powerful than anything we will ever do. Acts 2:42 says the early church was not just "devoted to the Apostles teaching" but they were also devoted to "prayer." We will always seek to be devoted to prayer in all that we do.

Psalm 119
God has used people who had deep convictions about the trustworthy nature of the Bible. At Matthews Memorial, we will always aim to agree with what the Psalmist wrote in chapter 119. We believe God's Word is, "eternal, life-preserving, wonderful, trustworthy, righteous, marvelous, reliable, right, true, sweeter than honey, and more desirable than gold." And with the Psalmist, we will always seek to "love, observe, carefully keep, delight, meditate, & follow" every one of God's precepts. As we survey the landscape of our country and the global church, we sense great urgency to cleave to every parcel of God's word.